投稿日 2023年1月12日 18:29:03 (ブロガー)
マーロウのプリン容器返却 2023年4月1日から引取り価格改定!善はいそげ
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The Armani Group has set the goal to reduce CO2 emissions by thirty percent by 2030, however, a lot of carbon neutrality pledges by brands and corporations can be considered misleading. According to the Copenhagen Fashion Summit’s results, if the industry continues on the current path, the 2030 emissions reduction targets will be missed by fifty percent.
MR. ARMANI: Emissions reduction is a process: it must take into account the entire production process, from raw materials to the end of product life. One of the answers is to produce less and better, as I said before, then we must select raw materials with low environmental impact, look for new innovative processes, reduce waste and scrap and use renewable energy sources. At this stage, data collection is the main challenge. To chart a path, the starting point must be clear, and that is where our efforts must be focused at this time so that progress is not only desirable and reasonably expected, but measurable with as much precision as possible.
For the headquarters in Via Bergognone in Milan, the Group has been equipping itself with photovoltaic systems since 2014. As for all the offices and stores in Italy, the energy that will be purchased in 2021 will come from different sources, mainly solar, wind and geothermal. I repeat: it is a slow and complex process that requires commitment. The heating and air conditioning systems of the production hubs, offices and stores are centrally regulated to meet actual needs. For the lights, now largely LED and low consumption, sensors have been adopted to regulate the automatic switching off of the lights when the space is not used.
The current changes are only concerning the Italian offices and shops, are there any plans to implement them in the spaces elsewhere? What are the challenges?
MR. ARMANI: It is expected that the supply of electricity exclusively from renewable sources, which will be effective from 2021 in all offices, production centers and stores in Italy, will be progressively extended to other countries, starting with Europe. The change, which is relatively simple for directly managed spaces, requires agreement with various partners, wholesalers and franchisees.
The buildings in Via Bergognone were designed with a focus on limiting consumption and, with a view to sustainable mobility, connected to the Via Borgonuovo office by an electric shuttle. Also with this in mind, recharging points for non-polluting vehicles have been placed in the company parking lots at the via Bergognone headquarters. Moreover, in 2015, in correspondence with the opening of the Armani/Silos exhibition space, the entire section of via Bergognone, where the offices are located, was upgraded with the resurfacing of the sidewalks, new paving and the restoration of green areas which had deteriorated in the past and were used as parking lots. One thing I am certain of is that the concept of sustainability should be adopted in 360°, so not only in the conception of clothing products but also in the production of furniture and furnishing accessories and in the design of offices and stores. In 2019 our first green outlet was inaugurated, designed not only with recycled and recyclable materials but conceived to be a versatile space, easily modifiable and where the materials,at the end of their life, can be reused or recycled. Even within Armani/Casa, research has led to the introduction of materials from the recovery of production waste. These are the first steps, but the sustainability strategy, in the Armani world, is comprehensive.
Source: ななはちブログ